Rabu, 30 November 2016

6 Failure Causes Weight Loss - Compass

6 Failure Causes Weight Loss - Compass
                        KOMPAScom - Already trying to lose weight but still fail as well? Such conditions often experienced by most of those who are trying to lose weight. Not everyone is a diet program successfully decreased the weight of them. Many things behind such failures, ranging from improper management of information obtained or may not sesuai.Banyak people want to get a slim body with short ways. In fact, to get it all a person needs to first make lifestyle changes permanent, can not be by way of instant. Here are 6 reasons that may explain the cause of the failure of your diet program. 1. Not getting enough tidurJoey Shulman, a writer says health problems, poor quality of sleep determine the level of hormones in the body. Someone who feels tired may tend to eat unhealthy foods. "" People who sleep less tend to have excessive secretion of the hormone cortisol, so they are more easily stressed. And it will trigger fat storage as well, '' he said. Lack of sleep also causes fluctuations in the hormone leptin and ghrelin, which can affect whether you feel full or lapar.2. Running-term dietary patterns pendekDr David Macklin, a family physician and founder Weightcare, a company that focuses handle weight loss programs say, a diet program without any targets to be achieved, such as limiting the eating habits and behavior will make your diet plans fail. According to Macklin, diet, half-hearted tends to make people not to focus on long-term change. "" Most people want to get results fast and find easy ways to lose weight, and concerned to change their habits, "" katanya.3. Eating at night "" One of the problems with eating at night is that people do not get enough to eat during the day, ' "said Dr. Arya Sharma, head of Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. "" If you are tired and hungry at night, you will tend to eat anything that you think are bad (like junk food) and consume the most calories when your metabolism is slowing due to lack of food during the day, "" tambahnya.4. One snack foods "" For some people, the habit of snacking may be considered good, while others consider it a disaster, '' said Sharma. According to Sharma, the key to healthy snacking is to try to control cravings and not easily eat a snack just because you feel hungry. 5. Too much makanGary Taube, renowned author and contributor to the magazine Science respondents found the food rich in carbohydrates are the main cause of the obesity epidemic. While some medical experts claim that restricting carbohydrate intake can make people unhealthy. Taube said, according to the study, eating everyone basically had to lower the bread, cereals and even fruit-buahan.6. Tired of the routine latihanMenjalani exact same exercise routine every day is difficult and sometimes tedious. In his first book titled 5 Factor Fitness, Harley Pastnernak, a fitness instructor recommend that everyone do a different type of exercise every day of the week, where each type of exercise focuses on a different body part. Variations, said Pasternak, can be done by changing the intensity of the workout or cardio workout be switched from resistance training. It is thought necessary so you do not get bored. "" At least do one thing differently every day, "" says Pasternak.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Bagi Pria

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Bagi Pria

Selulit Slim Down: Akan Cutting Out kopi Help Me Menurunkan Berat Badan?

Jika Anda & rsquo; telah bertanya-tanya seperti Anda menuangkan bahwa secangkir pagi Joe, & ldquo; Will memotong kopi ini membuat saya menurunkan berat badan & rdquo; maka Anda tidak sendirian. teka-teki yang menyajikan kopi ini menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan kesehatan, dan dengan orang-orang yang berjuang dengan selulit, itu & rsquo; s mudah untuk bertanya-tanya apakah mungkin ada beberapa korelasi antara kafein dan toko lemak yang tidak diinginkan. Yang benar adalah bahwa kopi isn & rsquo; t kekhawatiran terbesar Anda; itu adalah racun dari semua jenis. Ketika orang memutuskan mereka ingin untuk & ldquo; menurunkan berat badan, "mereka kadang-kadang don & rsquo; t menyadari bahwa untuk menurunkan berat badan Anda harus meminimalkan jumlah racun Anda menelan Dan bahwa penurunan berat badan isn & rsquo;. T selalu digambarkan oleh angka pada scale dan bukannya terlihat pada penurunan selulit pada tubuh Anda.
The Diet Solution Toksin Run Down: Apa Penyebab Selulit?
Jika Anda telah minum terlalu banyak koktail, makan terlalu banyak gula buatan atau menenggak terlalu banyak tas dari Cheetos, Anda mungkin memperhatikan kebiasaan yang tidak sehat ini memanifestasikan diri pada paha dan perut. Coffee hasn & rsquo; t secara langsung terkait dengan peningkatan selulit, tetapi jika Anda memiliki lebih dari yang direkomendasikan dua cangkir kopi sehari Anda dapat menempatkan belakang Anda pada risiko benjolan dan benjolan. Mengapa kafein & mdash; bersama dengan racun lainnya & mdash; muncul sebagai selulit di tubuh?
Kopi adalah diuretik serta stimulan. Kafein dalam kopi dapat meningkatkan kadar kortisol, yang dapat memicu tubuh Anda untuk menyimpan lemak serta menyebabkan Anda mendambakan permen, karena dapat meningkatkan kadar insulin. Tetapi jika Anda hanya memiliki satu atau dua cangkir kopi sehari, tidak ada link langsung ke yang baik secangkir kopi dan kasus buruk selulit. Jadi apa yang mungkin menjadi penyebab terbesar? Melihat rencana diet Anda saat ini bukan. Konsisten miskin makanan dan minuman pilihan dapat menyebabkan selulit yang tidak diinginkan.
Siram lemak: Apa Makanan untuk Hindari pada Rencana Makan Sehat untuk Berat Badan dan Selulit Kontrol
Selulit adalah tubuh & rsquo; s cara menyimpan racun. Sistem Anda adalah rekayasa untuk antar-jemput racun yang tidak diinginkan dalam bentuk bahan kimia dan alkohol menjadi lemak Anda untuk penyimpanan, yang menjadi selulit. Ini menciptakan tampilan berlesung pipit yang semua orang ingin menyingkirkan, tetapi satu-satunya cara untuk mengurangi selulit adalah dengan mengurangi jumlah racun Anda menelan. Tentu saja, ini datang kembali lingkaran penuh untuk rencana makan yang sehat.
Menghilangkan makanan yang menyebabkan selulit seperti kedelai olahan, minyak, dan gula, adalah langkah pertama dalam perjuangan Anda melawan selulit. Ini akan menjadi sebuah proses, tetapi setelah sistem anda dirubah dan diet Anda lebih bersih, Anda akan mulai melihat penampilan berkurang selulit. Loading pada sayuran hijau, dan buah-buahan asam seperti jeruk dapat membantu menyiram sistem Anda dengan cepat dan efektif. Juga, don & rsquo; t meremehkan kekuatan kekuatan mengejan dan kardio. Sebuah keseimbangan yang sehat dari kedua di samping & ldquo; telanjang & rdquo; makan pendekatan akan memberikan bagian belakang yang indah dan bahkan sehat dalam. Makan & ldquo; telanjang & rdquo; berarti membatasi asupan harian Anda dari makanan yang memiliki lebih dari 4 bahan pada paket jauh. Misalnya, buah-buahan dan sayuran hanya memiliki satu bahan! Perlu diingat, bahwa beberapa kasus selulit yang turun temurun dan tidak bisa hilang completely- tetapi tidak peduli apa jenis tubuh yang Anda miliki atau apa gen Anda datang dari, diet bersih dapat mengurangi visibilitas selulit.
Kabar baik bagi peminum kopi adalah kebiasaan java pagi Anda tidak selalu harus disalahkan untuk cellulite- tapi menjaga asupan Anda turun karena terlalu banyak kafein hanya akan menjadi faktor lain yang menyebabkan masalah selulit Anda.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Ideal Weight Note Sat Pregnant

Ideal Weight Note Sat Pregnant
Research shows the average woman will gain weight (BW) of 6.3 kg in a span of 8.5 years after having children. Likewise mothers during pregnancy BB is less than ideal, it was 8.5 years later still leaves a margin of BB on average 4.1 kg.
So, if you are not vigilant and concerned with BB during prepregnancy and during pregnancy, obese women can experience. In fact, obesity has become a worldwide epidemic is usually followed by diabetes.
The ideal weight is very dependent on a person's height. One of the parameters used is the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. BMI made the categorization as follows:
Normal: weight = 18.5 to 24.9
Overweight: weight = 25 to 29.9
Obesity: 30 or greater.

Example: maternal BMI of 50 kg with a height of 1.65 meters = 50 / 1.65 (2 squared) = 18.4 kg / m2. Referring to the categorization above, the weight is relatively thin.
Mayo Clinic states, women's weight during pregnancy is different. They had held a survey among pregnant women in 46 countries and get the average weight of women during pregnancy.
The result is an ideal weight women (BMI) should be increased by about 12 to 17 kilograms. Whereas, for the thin woman whose weight is below the ideal should be up about 14 to 20 kilograms during pregnancy. In contrast to obese women, weight gain normally not more than 12 kilograms.
Expectant mothers who weigh less (thin), generally more often experience anemia during pregnancy and the risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies.
While gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and bleeding after childbirth less common in women with low weight.
The risk of chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes or preeclampsia more lurking mothers before pregnancy already overweight. Alternatively, the babies of obese mothers / obesity could potentially have a BB was born more than 4 kg so as to have a long-term risk for diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, and high blood fat.
Other adverse impact is a failure of normal delivery, congenital defects and fetal death in utero at the age of pregnancy.
In pregnant women who are obese / obese generally rather difficult ultrasonografis examination (USG) and monitoring fetal heartbeat. This was caused by a layer of fat in the abdominal wall is thick. As a result, supervision during pregnancy and childbirth can not be done optimally.
To maintain ideal body weight in order to stay in the prepregnancy period there are several steps you can take.
1. Increase consumption of high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and rice husk are still there.
Raw foods are high in fiber will prolong the process of digestion and provide satiety too long.
2. Note the feeding schedule. Breakfast with a sufficient portion is very important, while the dinner portion may be reduced. As the German proverb: "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a minister, and dinner like a beggar."
Mistakes are often made is not breakfast and dinner in large quantities or eating too late.
3. Perform regular exercise. Useful exercise to increase the rate of metabolism in the body and burn the extra calories.
4. Note bedtime. People who stay up too late at night tend to eat more food. as a snack since suffered hunger.
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